Invest In Pool Allocated Gold Bullion, Pooled Silver Bullion and Pooled Platinum Bullion

The cheapest and easiest way to invest in gold, silver and platinum bullion. Brisbane Gold Buyers offer a pool allocated service where you can buy direct from our current gold, silver and platinum holdings.

To get started simply purchase an item below, we will then sign you up to our Investors Centre website where you can buy / sell or redeem your bullion anytime 24/7.

By purchasing from our pooled precious metals, you avoid other overheads on physical bullion such as barring fees. You can also elect to redeem some or all of your holdings into physical bars at any time.

You can view our pool allocated items below. If you need any advice before proceeding, you are welcome to visit our Bullion Pool info page, otherwise you can call or visit us in store.

Invest in Pool Allocated Bullion, available to purchase online below at Brisbanes's most competitive prices.

Pooled Bullion & Other Showing 1 - 6 of 6